Mull It Over



A website to force us to slow down when we post on the Internet allowing us to pause, think and reflect.

So much of our daily life on the internet is fast pace: we see something - we immediately post it on a social network; we hear something - we immediately post it on a social network; we feel something - we immediately post it on a social network.

What would happen if we slowed down? Would we have more thought-out posts, status updates and tweets? Would we have a more personal and interesting internet?

That's where Mull it Over comes in. Instead of hitting post right away, if you post through Mull it Over there is a mandatory 8 hour waiting period before you are allowed to post your status update to Facebook. But at the same time, we don't want you to forget about your post, so we'll make sure to post it for you after 24 hours. During this incubation time you are encouraged to go back and edit your post. We want your voice to come out on the internet; we want to hear what you have to say.

The website has been taken down since I didn’t want to pay for the domain + hosting anymore, but the source code lives on!